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SUSTAINABILITYJeong-Do managementJeong-Do management

Jeong-Do management


“Jeong-Do”  Management - It is LG’s unique application of ethics. LG will succeed through fair management practices and constantly developing our business skills.

The essence of the LG WAY is found in LG's management principles of creating value for customers and respecting human dignity. As they are put into action through “Jeong-Do” management, LG is able to accomplish its vision and reach our final goal of becoming No. 1 LG. Management by Principle not only includes open and fair competition but also highlights building the competence necessary for LG people to create substantial value for customers, and to earn their confidence.

Creating Value For Customers  Respecting Human Dignity

Ethics Hotline Have you witnessed unethical of illegal behavior at LG? Use the Ethics Hotline to confidently report conduct that does not match LG’s high ethical standards.